Enef 2018
basic infocall for papersinstructionsconference programmeaccommodationcontactshistory en sk
Preliminary non-binding registration Partneri SAPIASPIRO INTECH Viessmann GGE ESM-Yzamer PRIMACLIMA SLOVNAFT D.A.L.I. - M.N. thermosolar EHB Meridian Žiť energiou SK-BIOM Ministerstvo hospodársva SR Odpady portal TZB TOP trendy v bývaní EKO bývanie Energia pre Vás ENERGETIKA SEVA SIEA ZSTVS www.ASENEM.sk AEE www.MEEN.sk World Energy Council SSTP thermosolar Energy centre Slovenská technická univerzita, Stavebná fakulta ZPOE D.A.L.I. - M.N. ČSSE-ISES


Based on the issued measures of the Public Health Office and the Government of the Slovak Republic on the implementation of the emergency status  in the Slovak Republic in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, the steering committee of the ENEF conference has decided to reschedule the Conference date as follows:

Basic Information - ENEF 2021

Annual Volume: 14th
Term of the Conference: October 13 - 14, 2020
New Term of the Conference: February 9 - 10, 2021

Conference Venue: Hotel DIXON****, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia

Title of the event:


The International Conference "enef" enters the 14th year. Within more than twenty years of history this energy efficiency conference has gained popularity in both broad professional as well as lay public and has a strong position on the Slovak market of energy-related conferences now. The two-year periodicity of the conference allows the participants to bring the latest information, trends,and knowledge from the field of energy efficiency, energy services, smart control systems and solutions as well as the use of renewable energy sources.
Also for this 14th "enef´21" conference the organizers have prepared an interesting and attractive program. The goal of the event is to provide conference participants with actual information that ensures efficient,m sustainable, reliable and safe energy infrastructure.


Plenary Session
1.  Energy Intensity in Industry and Options of its Reduction
2.  Alternative Resources of Raw Materials and Fuels for a Sustainable Energy Sector
3.  Effective Industrial and Civil Buildings
4.  Solar Energy and its Effective Use - Thermic
5.  Energy Services - Post Eurostat Period
6.  Solar Energy and its Effective Use - Photovoltaic
7.  Heating Source Rehabilitation Project in Zvolen District Heating Company

The conference is intended for a wide range of participants:
Energy Producers, Suppliers and Consumers

Energy Managers and Entrepreneurs
Energy Service Companies
Design, Educational and Research Institutes
Representatives of State and Municipal Administration

Companies have the opportunity to present themselves in the form of exhibition exposition or exhibition desk. Contact Mr. Mesík (e-mail address below), please.

Chairman of Organizing Committee:
Miroslav Kučera, president ASENEM Bratislava
tel.: 00421 905 222 012
e-mail: kucera@zpoe.sk

Conference program responsibility:
Marian Rutšek, member of the board SK AEE Bratislava
tel.: 00421 905 509 302
e-mail: majorut@gmail.com

Conference organizing responsibility:
Ján Mesík, Ján Mesík - MEEN, s.r.o., Banská Bystrica
tel.: 00421 903 800 110, 00421 903 560 342
e-mail: meen@meen.sk


Based on the issued measures of the Public Health Office and the Government of the Slovak Republic on the implementation of the emergency status  in the Slovak Republic in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, the steering committee of the ENEF conference has decided to reschedule the Conference date as follows: 

ESM-Yzamer SLOVNAFT D.A.L.I. - M.N. thermosolar EHB Meridian Žiť energiou SK-BIOM Ministerstvo hospodársva SR Odpady portal TZB TOP trendy v bývaní EKO bývanie Energia pre Vás ENERGETIKA SEVA SIEA ZSTVS www.ASENEM.sk AEE www.MEEN.sk World Energy Council SSTP thermosolar Energy centre Slovenská technická univerzita, Stavebná fakulta ZPOE D.A.L.I. - M.N. ČSSE-ISES
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